bMazda/b 3 12. What are your favorite clothes? Jeans and fitted t-shirt 13. Where would you visit if you had the chance? Caribbean... *dreaming* 14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full? 1/2 empty, unfortunately :D 15. Where would you want to retire? Florida! ... What was your favorite bvacation/b? Our bvacation/b in Cyprus about a month ago. I love Cyprus
Go on a bvacation/b around the world. Put some of it into savings and term deposits (CD'S). Pay off all my debts. Help my family where I can. Make donations to my favourite charities. 5 things I say daily: I'm alive ... Ford Fiero. bMazda/b Miata . Volkswagen Golf. 5 of the best concerts I have attended: Paul McCartney and Wings. Joni Mitchell. Eric Clapton. Led Zeppelin. Elton John (with just him and a piano). 5 favorite restaurants around town I would be seen in: ...